A reassurance and questions answered about your unit from Ripley Caravan Park.
I do hope that this letter finds you well. These are troubling times, but I wanted to write to you with a reassurance about your unit at Ripley Caravan Park – and the steps we are taking to ensure that you will continue to enjoy its use once normal life has returned.
All we can say with certainty right now is that this crisis will come to an end at some point. Both you as a owner, and we as a caring family-run business, share a heartfelt desire to see a return to normal life as soon as possible. I want you to know that we are working as hard as possible to safeguard our shared interests: looking after the park and your unit, and ensuring that we re-open as the happy, relaxing holiday retreat you remember.
Your unit is being visually inspected by us on a daily basis with walk rounds. Please be assured that in the unlikely event of us having any concerns about its condition, these will be communicated to you as soon as possible and we can discuss any next steps. The security of the park and of your unit are a major priority for us. Measures are in place to allow only authorised vehicles onto the grounds, most of whom will be attending to essential park maintenance work or making needed deliveries. The barriers to the park will remain firmly closed to any casual visitors during our period of closure.
We have always invested in our business, and will be continuing to do so – on your behalf and ours – during this period of temporary closure. We are pleased to do so because we have every confidence that Ripley Caravan Park will be bouncing back when this is over, and will lose no time in providing you with the same high standards of which we are so proud.
Thank you so much for the huge number of emails of support we have received, this really means a lot to us all here. When we have a better idea of how long our closure will be enforced, we will look carefully at how we can respond fairly and responsibly to the situation in which we have all been placed.
Amid all the gloom, it’s been wonderful to see how Ripley has literally blossomed during the recent spell of good weather. We have seen a boom in red kites, the Buddleia have started to sprout and the resident ducks settling in ready to have their ducklings!
If you have any further concerns, please contact:
The only thing missing here is you, but let’s hope it won’t be too long now!
With our best wishes,
Phil, Peter and all the Ripley family.